Saturday, 28 February 2015

Did The AIB Kockout Offend you?

You are at a swarming place and you get mistreated in the midst of thousands of people….you are driving and suddenly get overhauled by someone ;you miss an accident on a very narrow brink and you heave a sigh of relief… when you face corruption and crimes on a daily basis, you shake your head,  conciliate and compromise with your destiny. When there is a need to speak up, you decide to hush down, but when you have the choice to do or not do something that brings you displeasure…what do you do? You scream…you howl and you make noise.

Let me bring a simple illustration into your minds. Imagine yourself at a buffet meal, and you come across a plate of green chillies. You know very well, the consequences of having green chillies and yet you capitulate to it. So what happens? You burn your tongue, your ears and various parts of your soul. So what are you going to do about it? Kick the waiters? Sue the restaurant? Get the Chef arrested? You might not be fond of chillies but no one forced you to have them. The chillies were arranged with the other dishes as  there are people who love a little spice and zest in their lives. The bottom line here is to understand and choose what is best for you and forget the rest until it’s not forced onto you and your families.

Let me get to the point now. Why did the AIB Roast Rip your lives and souls so much that you wanted the LAW and ORDER to interfere?  Well, we all had a fair amount of idea what the whole Roast was going to be and sound like and yet, all of us watched it and after watching the whole roast without a pause we decide that it’s against the code and culture of India. In India, we have  dunderheads blaming women for rapes, practicing Honour Killing , causing communal violence and molesting women. If this is culture then I don’t see us developing as a nation- economically or in attitude and mindset.

Every day we come across cracked and irrational scenarios…we see child labour, child trafficking, domestic violence and yet we turn our heads in the opposite direction and walk off. AIB didn’t cause harm to a level that had to attract such an odium and revulsion.  It was meant for a different set of audience who appreciate humour in its rudimentary form.  It was not meant for you…so relax, meditate  a little and breathe. The Indian culture and the code of ethics  were all developed by humans. When we pray to god, we fold our hands… when we see violence we cover  our eyes…but when we need to speak about something that is seriously damaging our country, we cover our mouths….and yet, we have lots to speak about a culture that is detrimental to everyone. 

Please  go through this eye opening video of the ÄIB Roasts Parody’s Parody…. It clearly exemplifies what I am feeling now-

Image Credits: Google

Friday, 13 February 2015

Wishing all the Singlets- Happy Valentine's day!!!!

This post is specifically dedicated to all the single ladies…who feel dejected on Valentine's Day!

I know the level of crossness and irascibility one faces when she hears another lady’s monologue on her potential date with her beau….but let me tell you something, there is no need to be irritable because this is a chance for us “Singlelets” to enjoy and live the true essence of valentine’s  day.

We are phenomenal women who don’t necessarily need a man to make us happy because we can do various other things to make us happy anyway….. things  we have been dying to do….things that we love to do with a self-allowance to be crazy for a day. Being a part of a couple, a person might not have the liberty to do everything he/she likes because there are limitations one succumbs to keeping in mind the other partner’s likes and interests towards certain activities; so many a times couples end up sacrificing for each other and in the end, they might not even have a good time. It’s true, I have heard many stories about ruined valentine’s day which I will be very careful not to mention here.

So what could go wrong in a date with yourself? You could hit a club, a park, a beach, a spa, a library, a museum, a bar, an orphanage, a culinary center…the list is endless…. Or you could host an all single gal &guy party- an interesting chance to meet someone if you are interested.

It’s definitely great to have someone in your life to share your happiness, grief, eventful happenings etc…but what is more important than that is the realization that you are responsible for your own happiness. Let this day be about you, knowing you, loving you like never before, and pampering you like never before so that when you wake up the very next day, you wake up with a feeling of fulfillment towards life.

So make this day about you and your interests; because on all the other days you keep your identity aside and live a professional life on somebody else’s direction. So, when was last time you spent quality time with the real you. All the great movie scripts written till date by writers were when they were on a vacation to a lonely distant island away from friends and family and they have always managed to come up with master pieces. This is because the lonely times spent by the writers on their own gave them a chance to look at the story in a different outlook without an external perspective which reflected the purity of their thoughts and gave the story a beautiful shape. So when are you planning to craft a beautiful story of your own with your own pure thoughts? You can always take advises from others but never let their standpoints affect yours because this is your own path of life with a completely different story. This valentine’s  day is all yours, give yourself enough time to craft a beautiful  story about your life so that you are responsible for your own happiness.

Happy Valentine’s day!!!